Living Faith | Welcoming All | Sharing Love


Worship & Congregation

Lay Readers

By sharing the scriptures, lay readers illustrate that the Word of God belongs to all of us. Lay readers will lead the Passing of the Peace and the Offertory prayer during the Sunday service. Lay Readers can be any age!

Point of Contact: Wendy Williams

Communion Crew

The “Communion Crew” is a volunteer group responsible for preparing the sacraments for communion. Each person is responsible for one Sunday a month, and it includes procuring bread and juice, ensuring linens are clean and pressed, setting and clearing the table.

Point of Contact: Sheila Coffin

Ushers and Greeters

Ushers are volunteers who help maintain order and reverence, while creating a welcoming atmosphere for worship. Responsibilities include greeting people, seating guests, assisting with offering collection, maintaining order, and cleaning up.

Point of Contact: Laura Cosner